Claude 3 Opus Token Counter

Count the tokens of the prompt you enter below.

* Don't worry about your data, calculation is happening on your browser.


• What is Anthropic?

Anthropic is an AI safety and research company founded in 2021 by former OpenAI employees, focused on developing AI systems that are interpretable, steerable, and safe. The company aims to align AI technologies with human values and ensure their beneficial impact on society. Anthropic's work involves cutting-edge research in AI alignment and large-scale model training.

• Claude 3 Opus Introduction

The Claude 3 family of models represents the cutting edge of AI technology, offering unparalleled performance, versatility, and ease of use. These models excel at open-ended conversation, collaboration on ideas, coding tasks, and working with text – whether searching, writing, editing, translating, outlining, or summarizing. Claude 3 Opus is the most powerful model, delivering state-of-the-art performance on highly complex tasks and demonstrating fluency and human-like understanding. The context window of Claude 3 Opus is 200K.

• Will I leak my prompt?

No, you will not leak your prompt. The token count calculation is performed client-side, ensuring that your prompt remains secure and confidential. Your data privacy is of utmost importance, and this approach guarantees that your sensitive information is never transmitted to the server or any external entity.