GPT-4 Turbo Token Counter

Count the tokens of the prompt you enter below.

* Don't worry about your data, calculation is happening on your browser.


• What is OpenAI?

OpenAI is a research and deployment company that aims to promote and develop friendly artificial general intelligence (AGI) in a way that benefits humanity as a whole. OpenAI's goals are to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole.

• GPT-4 vs GPT-4 Turbo

1. GPT-4 Turbo offers significantly faster processing speeds and enhanced performance compared to GPT-4, making it better suited for applications requiring real-time interaction and high-throughput processing.
2. GPT-4 Turbo achieves higher levels of accuracy and precision in text generation and comprehension, thanks to its optimized algorithms and advanced learning techniques.
3. GPT-4 Turbo exhibits greater versatility and adaptability, with an expanded vocabulary and adaptive learning capabilities that enable it to handle a broader range of tasks and contexts.
4. While GPT-4 is well-suited for a wide range of applications, GPT-4 Turbo excels in scenarios where speed, accuracy, and real-time interaction are paramount, such as customer service chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated content generation platforms.

• Will I leak my prompt?

No, you will not leak your prompt. The token count calculation is performed client-side, ensuring that your prompt remains secure and confidential. Your data privacy is of utmost importance, and this approach guarantees that your sensitive information is never transmitted to the server or any external entity.